Mele Aloha `O A‘iwa`iwa - Haku Mele, Kaʻohu ʻAkana

I aloha ia no ʻo Aʻiwaʻiwa
Ka wahine loia ā kahiau
Eia nō naʻe, e mālama iho ʻoe
ʻO ka mea moʻolelo kona inaina

ªHe) Lokomaikaʻi ʻo Aʻiwaʻiwa lā
Ā uluhua ia kāhāhā lā (Auwē lā)

Ā hoholo ia, holokē pau ʻole
Aʻohe ka manawa e hoʻopiha
ʻO ʻoe ka emepela no kēia ʻohina
ʻAʻole pono ʻoe (e) kualana ka ʻōpū

(E) ʻōlelo ʻo ia ana e huhū wela loa
(He) aʻole pololei kēia manaʻo
(He) kihikau ʻo ia paha ā mimiki hoʻi ʻeā
Aia ma hea kou māhana ʻino

Haʻina ʻia mai ana ka puana ʻeā
Ka wahine pono loa ʻo Aʻiwaʻiwa
Ua aʻole ʻike (wau) kou lele koke
Pehea uahoa hiki ia?

Beloved is Aʻiwaʻiwa
A woman of skill and generosity
But beware
Her wrath is the stuff of legend

Aʻiwaʻiwa is gracious
But when she’s grumpy, (alas!)

She runs, runs without end
Not even the time to eat
But you’re the “empress” of this collection
You should not go hungry!

She always says she’s really grouchy
But this is far from true
She could be “giving” or even “industrious”
Where is your evil twin?

The story has been told
Of the virtuous woman called Aʻiwaʻiwa
I admit, I haven’t actually seen her mad
But how bad can it be?